Tigger by Tiffany Robinson / Mommy

Today I lost a very, very special friend.
Tigger, who we lovingly called “the baby”, has crossed the
rainbow bridge. A few years ago, my boyfriend came home with
a precious orange tabby kitten he had found in the parking
lot where he went to school. We immediately began treatment of his
many health problems he had. He was amazing.
My mother, who has cared for him-God bless her, for the last year,
called him “houdini”, because he could open a pizza box in seconds
if left unattended.
We had two other cats, so I spent every night for weeks in
our sunroom, bonding with Tigger and nursing him back to health.
Years have passed since that time, although I must say he was
very young when he passed.
A tumor, wrapped around his pancreas, took him from me.
I just thank God that he is no longer suffering.
Now, he can eat and play all of the time without getting sick.
Tigger was feral. When we found him, he was almost 9 months old.
It was amazing how he blended in with the family and accepted and
even became great friends with our two other cats-especially Willie,
his partner in crime.
Tig2, mommy loves you very, very much.

I am so sad today. I will greatly miss your head-butts, and you
crawling up in my arms to snuggle and cuddle, and the sweet
sound of your meows.
Everyone always said what a lover you were.
Your brothers and sisters miss you, too.
I lovingly, with ALL MY HEART, dedicate this to your precious life
that God allowed me to be part of, and to care for you
while you were here.
Big Guy is waiting on you, sweetie, to show you the way.
Crawl up in Jesus’ lap, give him lots of love, and
ALWAYS remember-mommy loves you and I look forward
to the day that I can see you again, when it is my
time to cross the rainbow bridge.
You are and always will be in my heart and soul.
I love you.
“Who’s the baby, Tig 2”.




Mommy Loves You-Always
Tiffany Robinson