Winnie by Kyle Poling / Daddy Kyle

Winnie was born Nov. 26,1992. I was only 2 yrs old at the time so I don’t remember much. My dad and I went to my friends house and our friend told us to look at the dogs that he had. So we went to a box in the kitchen and there were about 10 little puppies in a little box.

My dad said Kyle come here and pick out a dog. So we picked out a dog and paid the man $10.00. Then once we paid him we went home. My mom was at work when we brought Winnie home. So that night we all went to bed. My mom got home at about 11:00 p.m. When she walked in the door she heard whining, she saw the dog and stayed up playing with her for hours. So my mom decided to name here Winnie because she was whining. So that’s how Winnie got her name.

So 12 yrs passed with our beloved dog. Then one day she started wetting her bed. We new something was wrong. Each time we would touch her at her sides she would whine. So we took her to the vet. We found out she had cancer and two tumors. The vet said the best thing to do was to put her down. So on Tuesday we had the vet put her down.

We were all really sad.
But life must go on so we had
to say good bye to
our great lab named Winnie.


Love Always,
Kyle Poling