Zoey by Tammy McCourry

I have had Dobermans all of my life. After loosing the last of the three dobies I had, I decided that I couldn’t live without having another. I watch Animal Planet all the time and decided rescue was the way to go. There are so many animals out there in need of a good home.

Well after contacting Doberman Rescue of P.A., I talked to a wonderful lady Tanya, who helped me find the Love of my life. She was so perfect! After bringing her home, there would be times when her and I would lay on the couch and I would just look at her and wonder why any one could have EVER abused her.

She was just turning 3 years old and didn’t know what a ball or even a bone was. Toys…she just looked at with a puzzled look, that would actually make me laugh, but at the same time very sad. She was so happy just to get rubbed behind the ears and when I went to hug and love on her, she would flop down on the floor and lay on her back to get her belly rubbed.

Everyday she would show me her love by lil love nips. She had to lick and nibble at your hands to show her love. When I first got her, I wasn’t working and spent every moment just showing her lots of love and taking walks. She actually knew when we were in the pet smart parking lot. She would get so excited and howl and whine and practically drag me into the store. She had learned that this was Zoey’s time to pick out what she wanted and boy did she!!

I always laughed as I walked her through the store as she pulled things off of the shelves and I would say “clean up isle 3” (yes I did clean it up)I just thought it was great to see her so happy. When I started back to work, it was a little hard on both of us. There would be days when I would come home tired form the long day and there she was…a 90lb dobie gal trying to sit on my lap. I would pet her and say ok Zoey lay down. She would never give up. AS bad as that day had been, she made it all go away that quick! Before you knew it, she was all over me and I was soaked with kisses and laughing forgetting everything that had happened that day and just loving on her.I Loved her so much!

Well, Thursday February 12, 2004, I came home from work and Zoey didn’t want to move off of my loveseat. She had not eaten all day and didn’t even want her favorite treats. I layed on the couch with her on top of me all thursday night and 7:00 Friday morning I had her at my Vets. I explained to them her symptoms and they decided to keep her that day. I told them that she may need x-rays, because she would eat everything. Anyway Saturday morning, they said I could come and get her and they sent me home pills to help make her better. In my mind I knew that this is not what I should do. I felt that she needed the x-rays, but they said it wasn’t necessary. (they were the vet, what did I know?)

By Monday morning, she was terrible. She still had not eaten anything, this would make it 5 days and she just acted like she was in pain. I took her back to the vet again at 7:00 in the morning. It was really strange when I dropped her off. It was like she knew and I knew we were not going to see each other again.

They were walking her back and she was just looking at me with those big beautiful brown eyes and I said “wait” and ran over and hugged her and kissed her all over and said mommy will be back to get you baby girl and as sick as she was that lil nub of hers just wouldn’t stop.
Well they finally did x-rays.

I got a call around 3:00 saying the Crays showed gas bubbles, but he was going to do surgery and look into her intestines. Waiting for the phone call was so painful. I knew it was going to be bad. At 4:00 he called me and said she had swallowed a stuff animal and it was the size of a lemon and that she was in critical condition.

All I could do was cry and ask, why wasn’t this done last friday? I couldn’t get a reasonable answer. That night was so hard to sleep. I could only see her face and think how she must have felt being left there all by herself sick! I got a phone call from my vet at 8:00 tuesday morning saying my sweet girl had passed away.

I felt like I had died. I replayed everything that we had done in the short six months that I had to love her and to be loved. It tore me apart and it still is. Life without her is not going to be easy. I’m lost right now and missing her so much. I know she is safe in heaven with my Dad, who both are watching over us.

From the time I brought her home, it was instant Love. We had this special bond that I know NO other will ever replace. But the funny thing is everyone has always said from day one, that she was so lucky that I rescued her…but you know what I figured out? I’m the lucky one.

Zoey Bug…you will always be in my heart and I will never ever forget you…you will forever be on my mind….I Love you Baby Girl!!!!!(In the Pic, Zoey is the sweet Girl on the left…Black/rust)


Tammy McCourry