Zyggee by Sharon & Bob Hoel / Love mom and dad xoxoxox

Wykes Morning Glory of Magor, CD, CGC.

Our hearts are broken and heavy with sorrow at the loss of our daughter Zyggee. Peacefully in the arms of her mom and dad, Zyggee left us for the Rainbow Bridge on Sept. 3/09. She was truly an ambassador for the Bull Terrier Breed meeting hundreds of people during her lifetime. She achieved her CD in obedience, and her Canine Good Citizenship. Zyggee also participated fanatically in flyball, agility where she would roar through the tunnels, and tracking.

She loved to dance with her mom to Abba’s “Dancing Queen” and delighted in doing bully rips and turns. Zyggee did pet visitations, appeared in CKC and special dog shows for many years and truly lived her life to the fullest. After losing her sister, Wykes Whispering Sara CGC, a.k.a. Sara, she become a mom to L’ill Redd (a kitten) and the two were inseparable until Zyggee left us.

Zyggee up to the end loved to wonder in our yard smelling the roses and every blade of grass. The Kong was her toy of choice, however, one day after we erected a metal storage shed in our back yard she was pulling rope with our Shepherd and all of a sudden “bang”, she backed into our shed and we have a permanent reminder of her bum! The Bostons used to get her going and who knew who was chasing whom.

She delighted in her rides in the back seat of our P.T. Cruiser on her pink blanket. Happy Trails to You (Roy Rogers), Zyggee until we meet again at the Bridge, and thanks for all the wonderful memories.


We love and miss you dearly,
Sharon & Bob Hoel