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- Sadie by Roxanne and Mark Metcalf / Mommy and Daddy
- MY BEAUTIFUL BOYS by Rachel Frisby / Lots of love your friend Rachel xxxxx
- Roxanne by Animal Rescue-Denise for Brenda / Denise, Tom, & Brenda
- Shanti by Marlene / Mommy
- Gia by Jonelle Berkley / Love,
- Buddy by Lisa Weinstein / Bonnie & Paul
- Sophia by Dee Leverone / Mommy
- Allie by Dorrin Birch / Author: Dorrin Birch, Master of Allie,
- Gretchen by Mark Bruner / Daddy, Mama, Aubrey, and Dusty
- Brutus by Lysa DeLaurentis / LYSA DE LAURENTIS
- Nakita Weiford by Roslea and Stephen Weiford / Roslea and Stephen Weiford
- Sunday by Karen Thornton / Mom loves you.
- Mutchu by Barend Etsebeth / Mom and Dad
- Molly Hall by Pete, Rose & Doreen / Daddy, Mummy, Doreen, Mazy and Grandad xxx
- Tingri-Zayu by Jan-Fraser Coward / Jan-Fraser Coward
- Bix Sexy by Alecia Tyrrell / Alecia
- Wesley George by Phyllis Jackson / Mama
- Buddy by Karissa Thomas / mommy
- Rainbow by Steve and Judy / Dad and Mom